How much should you set as a weekly e-hailing target for your driver in Lagos?
Hello Everyone.
We have been getting a lot of feedback from drivers we have attempted to pair with car owners recently and one common feedback we get is that the car owner sets unrealistic weekly targets for drivers.
So, we decided to do a study on e-hailing driving earnings to guide car owners and drivers when setting weekly targets. While figures would differ from driver to driver, we strongly believe these figures will guide both drivers and car owners when negotiating weekly targets.
We have taken off the drivers name off the report to keep his identity confidential. The data covers a period of 6 weeks using one e-hailing platform in Lagos.
Week |
Net Fares |
Per trip |
Per hour online |
Per km on trip |
Trips |
Hours online |
Distance per trip |
Week 6 |
40,551.50 |
1,398.33 |
903.15 |
162.12 |
29 |
44h 54m |
13.88 KM |
Week 5 |
37,164.00 |
1,327.29 |
1,074.10 |
155.77 |
28 |
34h 36m |
13.71 KM |
Week 4 |
74,078.75 |
1,346.89 |
1,143.19 |
173.64 |
55 |
64h 48m |
12.48 KM |
Week 3 |
73,976.25 |
1,193.17 |
988.99 |
152.70 |
62 |
74h 48m |
12.58 KM |
Week 2 |
77,382.25 |
1,311.56 |
1,055.69 |
161.73 |
59 |
73h 18m |
13.05 KM |
Week 1 |
49,461.00 |
1,545.66 |
926.24 |
152.59 |
32 |
53h 24m |
16.30 KM |
Average |
1,015.23 |
Two interesting points to note here;
- This driver did an average of 1,015.23 NGN for each hour he spent online during the period
- On his most busy weeks (marked in red), he covered an average of 745 KM per week. This translates to approximately 3,000 KM a month (at 4 weeks per month)
So how much is an ideal weekly target for a driver?
The first and most important question to answer in making in decision is “how many hours do you expect your drivers to work weekly?” This will give you a fair idea of how much he should make weekly. Using this example, if he works 10 hours a day for 6 days a week, and rests for 1 day weekly (on the average), he should make about 61,000 NGN weekly at an average of 1,015.23 NGN per hour online. If you work extra hours, you get to earn more!!!
The second thing is to estimate average operational costs, i.e. petrol, phone calls and data basically. During this study period, this driver spent an average of 20,000 NGN weekly on petrol, using a sound 1.8l engine car. An additional 5,000 NGN can go for phone calls, data and other miscellaneous needs.
In summary, for this example, after major expenses, we have a balance of 36,000 NGN as shown below;
Weekly earning |
61,000.00 NGN |
Petrol cost |
20,000.00 NGN |
Phone and data |
5,000.00 NGN |
Balance |
36,000.00 NGN |
This is the amount that must be split between the car owner and the driver. In determining what the split should be, consider who would bear what costs for car repairs and maintenance. If an average of 3,000 KM is covered monthly, the car might have to be serviced almost monthly depending on the type of engine oil you use.
Thank you for reading and your comments will be appreciated. Remember to visit to access any of our Uber services.